Tuesday, May 19, 2020

2017 - 2018 SAT Subject Test Dates

SAT Subject Tests are growing less and less important in the admissions process at many schools, but they should not be ignored for students applying to competitive colleges and universities. The SAT Subject Tests are  not  the same as the SAT general test. While the general SAT tests broad reading, writing, and mathematical skills, SAT Subject Tests are designed to showcase expertise in one particular subject area such as Literature, Spanish, or Math. In some cases, youll actually need to take subject tests to demonstrate mastery of particular subjects because there are some colleges that require SAT Subject Tests. Far more colleges recommend rather than require subject tests.In other cases, you may not be required to take the tests, but if you do, they can be a great way to demonstrate your college readiness.    If youre interested in taking an SAT Subject Test like those listed below, then here are the SAT Subject Test Dates you need to know. Not every SAT Subject Test is offered on every SAT test date; please keep that in mind. Also  realize that no subject tests are offered during the March administration of the SAT. Also realize that some subjects will carry more weight than others. Math and science subjects will add credibility to applications from future engineers and scientists. The SAT language exams, on the other hand, are generally given far less weight than Advanced Placement language exams.    Registering for an SAT Subject Test The table below gives you the actual test dates for the SAT Subject Tests. Be sure to keep track of the  2017  SAT Subject Test registration deadlines—youll need to register well before the exam dates. Since the Subject Tests are administered at the same time as the SAT general test, the registration deadlines are the same. However, you cannot take an SAT Subject Test on the same day that you take the SAT general test since they are administered concurrently. Therefore, be sure you plan on taking the tests on different days. If you put off both the general and subject SAT exams until late fall of your senior year, your likely to find that you cant take all the exams in time to meet college admissions deadlines. 2017  - 2018  SAT Subject Test Dates 2017  - 2018 SAT Subject Test Dates Subject Test June 4 Aug. 26 Oct. 7 Nov. 4 Dec. 2 Mar. 10, 17 May 5, 18 June 2, 17 Literature X X X X X X X U.S. History X X X X X X X World History X X X X Math Level 1 X X X X X X X Math Level 2 X X X X X X X Biology E/M X X X X X X X Chemistry X X X X X X X Physics X X X X X X X French X X X X X X German X X Italian X X Latin X X X Modern Hebrew X X Spanish X X X X X X Chinese with Listening X French with Listening X German with Listening X Japanese with Listening X Korean with Listening X Spanish with Listening X Take a Sample SAT Subject Test If youre unsure about whether or not you actually want to take an SAT Subject Test—maybe your counselor at school recommends it, but youre scared about the test content—then try your hand at the College Boards free SAT Subject Test practice questions  before you sign up. Youll be able to practice with representative questions so youll know how much preparing youll actually need to do.   Article revised and updated by Allen Grove.

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