Saturday, February 29, 2020

Analysis of The Merchant of Venice

Antonio invested all his money on merchant ship’s. But, Antonio’s plan failed – the merchant ship’s were wrecked and now he didn’t have the money to re-pay Shylock. When Shylock didn’t receive his money, he and Antonio both agreed that Shylock would receive a pound of flesh from Antonio’s body. The married couple Bassanio and Portia, are friends with Antonio and they realized they had to help him. Portia offered Shylock triple the amount of what the money was really worth. Shylock rejected the offer but Portia had a plan to solve the dilemma – Disguise as a male judge to save her friend and also be more extreme by making Shylock worthless. Analysis. In the movie there are several motives such as good vs. evil, kindness and cruelty, religion dilemmas (Christian vs. Jew), tragedy etc. These opposites are all common with Shakespeare’s writings. Among the main character’s, Antonio is the one who is unselfish because he wants to help his friend, he represents goodness. Shylock isn’t actually the â€Å"evil-one†, he’s more of a vindictive individual because he lives in a society full of anti-Semitism and with a daughter who left him for a Christian man. I think Shylock has full right to receive a pound of flesh from Antonio’s body because both parties signed a contract (they both agreed on this) The movie is also about destiny and power. Whatever happened to the merchant ships is nothing Antonio, or any other human, can do about it. When Antonio borrows money of Shylock, he gives the Jewish businessman all the power. During the final scene when they’re all gathered in court, Shakespeare clearly shows he wants to maintain the Christian morality and make Shylock â€Å"clean† by converting to Christianity. Because Shylock is a Jew, he’s featured as an evil person. From the film’s and Shakespeare’s perspective, there is only one religion that is acceptable. This could be a symbol for the fights between the two religions and the main characters. Revenge is one of the main parts in this movie. Shylock uses his work and abundance to pursue his revenge. If the loan never had occurred Shylock would never had been able to take the evenge to another level. Though Shylock never succeeded his revenge, his main goal was vengeance and never hesitated to stop his work. Tragedy occurs when Shylock looses everything in court and has to beg for mercy. He has to give all his abundance to his daughter, convert to Christianity. He didn’t do anything wrong, lived in a anti-semi tism society. Above all, he had a signed contract of the deal. But, Portia’s rhetorical skills turned the situation around when she argued that no blood, not more than the weight of a pound was allowed when cutting the flesh. This was impossible to accomplish. Analysis of The Merchant of Venice Antonio invested all his money on merchant ship’s. But, Antonio’s plan failed – the merchant ship’s were wrecked and now he didn’t have the money to re-pay Shylock. When Shylock didn’t receive his money, he and Antonio both agreed that Shylock would receive a pound of flesh from Antonio’s body. The married couple Bassanio and Portia, are friends with Antonio and they realized they had to help him. Portia offered Shylock triple the amount of what the money was really worth. Shylock rejected the offer but Portia had a plan to solve the dilemma – Disguise as a male judge to save her friend and also be more extreme by making Shylock worthless. Analysis. In the movie there are several motives such as good vs. evil, kindness and cruelty, religion dilemmas (Christian vs. Jew), tragedy etc. These opposites are all common with Shakespeare’s writings. Among the main character’s, Antonio is the one who is unselfish because he wants to help his friend, he represents goodness. Shylock isn’t actually the â€Å"evil-one†, he’s more of a vindictive individual because he lives in a society full of anti-Semitism and with a daughter who left him for a Christian man. I think Shylock has full right to receive a pound of flesh from Antonio’s body because both parties signed a contract (they both agreed on this) The movie is also about destiny and power. Whatever happened to the merchant ships is nothing Antonio, or any other human, can do about it. When Antonio borrows money of Shylock, he gives the Jewish businessman all the power. During the final scene when they’re all gathered in court, Shakespeare clearly shows he wants to maintain the Christian morality and make Shylock â€Å"clean† by converting to Christianity. Because Shylock is a Jew, he’s featured as an evil person. From the film’s and Shakespeare’s perspective, there is only one religion that is acceptable. This could be a symbol for the fights between the two religions and the main characters. Revenge is one of the main parts in this movie. Shylock uses his work and abundance to pursue his revenge. If the loan never had occurred Shylock would never had been able to take the evenge to another level. Though Shylock never succeeded his revenge, his main goal was vengeance and never hesitated to stop his work. Tragedy occurs when Shylock looses everything in court and has to beg for mercy. He has to give all his abundance to his daughter, convert to Christianity. He didn’t do anything wrong, lived in a anti-semi tism society. Above all, he had a signed contract of the deal. But, Portia’s rhetorical skills turned the situation around when she argued that no blood, not more than the weight of a pound was allowed when cutting the flesh. This was impossible to accomplish.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) - Assignment Example This paper aims to identify major causes of CVD and key steps in CVD management from cohort study designs, as well as to develop leading questions on CVD mitigation for the local health department. Moreover, the paper will also present a rudimentary protocol for disseminating CVD information to local community leaders, while also making recommendations for prevention of CVD in the workplace. There are numerous causes and risk factors of CVD with some like age, ethnicity, and family history being non-modifiable, while others can be changed or treated, such as hypertension, tobacco exposure, physical inactivity, obesity, high cholesterol, harmful alcohol use, and unhealthy diets. Berry et al (2012) found that hypertension is a significant cause for CVD, especially stroke and heart attacks, while abnormal lipid levels in blood including low levels of HDL cholesterol, high levels of LDL, high triglyceride levels, and high total cholesterol also cause CVD, especially stroke and heart attack. In addition, Huxley and Woodward (2011) also find that the use of tobacco over a long time, whether by smoking or chewing it, increases an individual risk of developing CVD, especially where one began to smoke as a young person, is a woman, or smokes very heavily. It was also found that passive smoking causes CVD. Physical inactivity and type 2 diabetes mellitus are identified by Appleto n et al (2013) as major causes of CVD with the former increasing CVD risk by 50% by increasing risk of obesity and subsequent diabetes that, in turn, predisposes individuals to strokes and coronary heart diseases especially in pre-menopausal women. Finally, Van Dierren et al (2012) find that diets with high fat saturation increase CVD risk, while abuse of alcohol damages heart muscle and subsequent CVD and specific medicines like hormone replacement therapy and contraceptive pills

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Poem analysis of Digging (1966) by Seamus Heaney Essay

Poem analysis of Digging (1966) by Seamus Heaney - Essay Example The first image, the pen, also serves as a frame for the poem, appearing in the second line of the poem and the thirtieth line. These images contrast the purposes of each implement. The narrator of the poem appears to be a writer. His ancestors are all farmers. The tools they used all had a specific purpose that resulted in a way of life, farming. By becoming a writer, the narrator has broken the mold of his family. Throughout the poem, he considers the spade his father and grandfather used, and the pen is obviously not as useful in a physical sense as the spade. But, by comparing the pen to a gun, the narrator is giving it power. The pen cannot gather food from the earth or split turf to sell, but the words it creates can be as powerful as a gun. Words have inspired wars and resulted in the imprisonment of writers. The next juxtaposed images are of the father gardening and the father digging potatoes. In the first stanza, the narrator is composing at a window. While he is writing, his father is below the window digging in flower beds. This image thrusts the narrator into the past where he remembers his father digging potatoes. The juxtaposed images are present in the line, â€Å"I look down / Till his straining rump among the flowerbeds / Bends low, comes up twenty years away† (Heaney 5-7). This image mirrors the thoughts of the narrator about the usefulness of his pen. The father once engaged in meaningful work with his shovel, digging potatoes, but he now spends his time digging in flower beds. The narrator feels the same about his ancestry and his current occupation. He is a writer, which is the practical equivalent of digging in flower beds instead of in a potato patch. The image continues as the narrator travels back to memories of his grandfather, who used his tools for one purpos e, cutting peat. For the narrator, the value of a tool seems to